James Longenbach, The Iron Key (WWNorton) [2010]
And also Longenbach on the Mr & Mrs Yeats correspondence in The Nation
Franklin on protest songs in the same place
Miriam Markowitz on Janet Malcolm (Nation as well)
Tom Raworth, Earn Your Milk (Salt) [2009]
Hans Magnus Enzensberger, tr. Chalmers and Kinsky, A History of Clouds (Seagull) [2010]
Mark J. Brewin, Jr., "Field Lessons" in Copper Nickel 14
Stephen Mulhall on Eleonore Stump's Wandering in Darkness (re Dominic and Francis / reason
and narrative) in TLS 5643 2011-05-27
Soros on philanthropy and the closing of US society in NYRB LVIII #11, 2011-0623
Tabu Ley Rochereau, The Voice of Lightness (Stern's) [2010]
David Sylvian, Died in the Wool (Samadhisound)
Mitch Sisskind, "Joe Adamczyk" (BAP Blog)
Jordan - #