


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Someone in Ghana got to the other blog without linking. It's possible it was one of my Wyclef/Mormon translator cousins, but I like imagining otherwise.

Five more days of the antibiotic for the lad's Lyme disease.

My group's reorging in advance of the budget process. My blogging gonna change, probably starting tomorrow. This happened last October, too -- I'm guessing this iteration will be better than that one, which was a nightmare, or rather, which still gives me nightmares.

Meantime, pleased to get two friendly (I think) letters to the editor over at Constant Critic.

Read John Palattella's thorough, spot-on piece on Adam Kirsch in The Nation: "He is less a debunker than a derider, scolding poets not because their work lacks invention or imagination or ideas but because it fails to conform to a narrow and pedestrian sense of style and propriety."

Also read Nester & Connelly's Percapella, which on the spectrum of one-word-per-poet collaboration is farther from the output of Rohrer & Beckman and closer to the various work appearing under the aegis of the Sanctimonious Kid. I like all three terms of that comparison, of course.

Jordan - #




I'm Jordan Davis.
I write a lot.
I mention it here.

Say hi: jordan [at] jordandavis [dot] com.

The Million Poems Show.