


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Slipping into slavery to udon.

Problem: I don't go for strong linear narrative (the existence of which is purely hypothetical). I'm not saying it's quirkfest or nothing, but I like a little pungent irreducible weirdness with my reality effects. Some surprise.

Neurosis, according to Fromm: when being social puts a greater demand on the individual to suppress instincts than the individual can absorb.

The interesting surprise is a happy resolution to conflict.

Purely hypothetical indeed.

New novel: suppression of affect, rigidly orchestrated surprise replacing warm spontanteity. No thanks, Tom Hanks.

When I've said surprise, I've meant spontaneity.

The sense that a living person is communicating with me.

Lacan's model of communication and the ingrained (time-proven) American fear that someone is playing you for a sucker.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate."

Jordan - #




I'm Jordan Davis.
I write a lot.
I mention it here.

Say hi: jordan [at] jordandavis [dot] com.

The Million Poems Show.