


Monday, August 30, 2004

Working from home. Not quite an oxymoron... on hold with the help desk to log in to my work e-mail.

Been hearing a lot backchannel about why it's crucial to protest the convention, but I still think the energy would be better spent either infiltrating and disrupting the event in as invisible a manner as possible, or to make a mass silent protest at ground zero, or to go to churches in swing states and canvass as politely as possible. To make an impact on their plans.

Rove's not so tough. And the Dems don't have to be so vague. "But the RNC puts forward an us-versus-them world and we know that it's not that simple." Black/white thinking, not so good -- simple message frequently repeated, necessary. What's the simple message? Let's run down the bullet points --

  • Terrorists killed thousands, even though there were reports indicating they were coming,
  • In response to which this administration started a war against a country it knew had nothing to do with said terrorists,
  • The economy went to hell,
  • In response to which this administration cut the top tax rates and increased gov't spending payable directly to companies run by its biggest supporters,
  • Meanwhile the administration claimed to support the troops, education, and the small businessman,
  • While in fact it cut benefits to military personnel, undermined schools by organizing the academic year around standardized tests, and gave small businesses an environment in which unemployment is at its highest in ten years.
This can be boiled this down to: they lied and told us to like it. They took our money and gave it to themselves, while telling us that the Dems were going to take our money to give it to someone else.

That ought to be a good starting point for discussions with voters when you go canvassing door to door in swing states. Now, you may be asking yourself, how do I respond to hesitant or dismissive remarks about Swift Boats, waffling, taxing and spending?

Stay on message. This president lied and told us to like it. He lied, cheated, and stole. What do you do with a lying, cheating, thief? (It may be best to leave that as a rhetorical question.)

Jordan - #




I'm Jordan Davis.
I write a lot.
I mention it here.

Say hi: jordan [at] jordandavis [dot] com.

The Million Poems Show.